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Beware of ‘Supermarket Cart Robberies’: A New Theft Tactic in Mexico City

A new type of theft is being used by criminals in various supermarkets in Mexico City. The so-called “supermarket cart robberies” take advantage of the lack of concentration of buyers to steal belongings without being detected.

While citizens go to shopping centers hoping to buy the products they need, attackers exploit the supposed tranquility offered by these establishments to catch their victims off guard, who often take several minutes to realize what has happened.

The modus operandi of these criminals involves one of the thieves intentionally colliding their shopping cart with the victim’s. During the ensuing confusion, one or two accomplices take advantage of the moment to steal wallets or valuables.

These robberies usually take place during busy times in department stores. The preferred victims are women with large bags, distracted individuals, and older adults. For the latter group, theft is made easier as their Welfare Cards do not require a PIN for money withdrawals, only a signature.

Reports of this type of theft have emerged through social networks, where users have warned about criminals who use supermarket trolleys. Although similar to the car-jackings that occur on the streets, this variant focuses on the interior of stores.

A characteristic of these criminals is that they commit robberies without violence, often ensuring that the victim does not notice the theft until they reach the checkout to pay. The thieves operate in groups of three, moving through the supermarket aisles looking for the right moment to strike.

The purpose of this information is to alert the population to be vigilant while shopping, especially during times when stores are more crowded.

Robbers have diversified their field of action and now operate in supermarkets, using shopping trolleys to rob their victims. This type of crime, known for causing road accidents to demand payment, has even affected public figures such as actress Berenice Mastretta.

The artist recounted her experience on TikTok, where she narrated how she was a victim of this technique while shopping at Costco. According to her testimony, two female accomplices cornered her in an aisle.

“They robbed me of my wallet at Costco, but they put on a whole show for me. Two ladies cornered me because one of them almost ran into me head-on with her cart […] and the other one stood next to me, and they were in contact with each other.”

Recommendations if Victimized

Based on her experience, Berenice Mastretta suggested a series of steps to follow if someone finds themselves in a similar situation:

  1. Block all bank cards immediately: “Within 20 minutes, they were already trying to charge two purchases for 8,000 pesos […] because I had blocked the cards very quickly.”
  2. Hold on to your bag: “If you see something out of the ordinary […] hold on to your bag like there’s no tomorrow.”
  3. Report the incident: “It is very important to leave a record in case someone wants to misuse your documents.”

The actress also confirmed, through security videos, that the criminals “were hunting me, a group of about six people who entered together.” Other users on TikTok have confirmed that this modus operandi is common in supermarkets.

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